Saturday, September 27, 2008


I was told today that if I wanted to I could pass as straight and I would not have this problem of feeling like I am on the outside looking in.
The idea that we have to try and blend in to make others feel comfortable is ridiculous, but the idea that it could in any way make us feel comfortable is absurd. I will no longer hide. I will no longer listen to lies or have people around me who say "Well, I think it is wrong and deserves death, but you are really cool." How can that work? How can you say I deserve to die and go to hell but that we can be friends?
I want to love you through this, but you cannot be in my inner circle of friends and still believe that I am on my way to damnation. This is a hard decision for me considering where I go to school and who my friends are. Because of this I am guaranteed to lose the few friends I still have left.
I will not settle for second rate anymore. I will sell myself short and say that half hearted friendships are acceptable. Civil Unions are no longer good enough. "Don't ask, Don't tell" is over in my life. I am going to tell everyone! Change will only come when we tire of the mundane. When we are done being second class citizens, our friends fall back plans and over all leftovers in life then change will manifest.

Here's to being honest!

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I know it has been a while, but there is good reasoning.
In a few weeks the Soulforce Equality Ride is coming to our area. ( )
I have been talking to the activists and helping out with the event. I will be sure to post pictures so you all can see the amazing things these men and women are doing.

If you haven't yet, please add the Tennessee James myspace to your friends list. We need to see this movement make some ground and for our generation that means internet communications. Let's see change happen and let us be the reason it happens now.

Have a blessed weekend!

Yours freely,
Tennessee James