Thursday, December 4, 2008


I am taking the rest of the month off. I just wanted to let everyone know that their efforts in 2008 have been amazing and very appreciated.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. You are really changing lives and making the world a better place.
I am going to take a moment to take care of my family. Please, keep them in your prayers!
I have so much faith in all of you and your abilities. Remember that no matter what we will succeed and we will win this battle and eventually the war that the other side started.
Love and peace to you all!

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I am sitting in a hotel lobby waiting to get on a bus to go to Washington, D.C. to protest the passing of Prop. 8.
I love that what started with just one young woman out in Seattle has turned into a movement of over a million people. This is what change can do when we come together to fight injustice.
Today, my friend is going to carry a sign that says "No More Mr. Nice Gay". I think this sums up how most of us feel. We are tired of being treated as second class citizens. It is one thing to deny us our rights in the first place, but to give them to people in California and then take them away is plain unconstitutional.
We will not be played with any more. We will not bend over and keep letting them screw us. Stand tall my friends. All over the country we will be joining together to create change. Watch it happen!
I would love to hear the stories of your march. Please let me know what happens in your cities!

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Monday, November 10, 2008


Will separate but equal work?
I am so glad Obama was elected last week, but how long will we have to settle for separate, but equal. All the conservatives are running around saying that Obama is for gay marriage, but let me tell you the truth.
According to Obama and Biden, marriage is between a man and a woman. They will let us have civil unions and partnerships, but marriage is reserved for heterosexuals.
Didn't we learn a long time ago that separate but equal DOES NOT WORK?
I want to see true change in America and that just won't happen until we stop settling for second best and remember that we own houses, pay taxes and participate in the democratic process, too.
I am a citizen who will not be shut up. Will you speak up with me?

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am so tired.
I feel like I am fighting against the tides. You are thwarting my best efforts to create change, but I will not give up on you.
Every time I think you are close to acceptance you say something that sets us back two spaces. I will not stop loving you. I will not stop trying to see the best in you. I will not stop praying for you and blessing your family.
I am sitting here with my cats, and I am wondering what would happen if they treated each other like you treat people. I think how my house would be a wreck and then we would be standing around staring at them asking for an explanation. They, of course, would not answer and we would be left to pick up the mess.
I am offering to pick up the mess with you, but what I demand that the cats can't give me is an explanation. Please, explain to me why you think it is OK to tear apart our church in the name of Christ when Christ said division is bad. Why do you choose to exclude the "counter culture" when Christ was considered "counter culture" in his day? There is plenty of room in the church pews for people of all walks of life, yet you are content to let starving people sit outside because they make you feel uncomfortable. Put aside the fact that that is not only blatantly against scripture and try to understand that could be you. Would you change who you are for the people who exclude you? Would the fact that people yell at you and tell you that you deserve to die want to change how you live your life? I would say more than likely not.
Have compassion. Our generation is dying a spiritual death because you wont tell them about the saving truth until they "clean up" their "lifestyle." Do you see the misguidance in that? I do.
God have mercy on those who boast in themselves and not in the Lord. I have been sent with a message and I will happily help you clean up the mess. Whats your explanation?

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Monday, October 20, 2008


So my friend Anna asked me to write a letter to the President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for her and some of the other Equality Riders to read as they are performing civil disobedience on that campus. Here is the letter I wrote.

President Patterson and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,
I am writing to you today as a student who goes to a school that holds discriminatory policies against me. I was raised by a father that studied at your school when I was a child. We lived in your family townhouses and I was raised with your teachings and theologies. I can tell you as a kid who grew up in that environment that I was taught to love God with my whole heart. I was told that if I simply believed in my heart, and confessed with my mouth that he is Lord then I would be saved. Why then do you and other teachers of the word of God say that it takes more than that to call yourself a Christian? You will try and quickly correct me by saying that that is not what you believe, but every time you say you respect without accepting people for who they are is saying to me that you view me as less than the person God has made me to be.
Galatians says that when you teach salvation is found in anything else other than the saving grace of Christ it is a lie. What I am asking you to do today is put aside all the extra stuff you hold over people and remember that we are all one in Christ. We are no longer Jew or gentile, free or slave, male or female but we are all true children of Abraham and are now covered by the covenant that was made by him and God. What I ask of you today is simple. Remember that I am your sister in Christ. Remember that I believe in the same Savior that you trust for your salvation. Now with that being said, I ask you to accept my friends onto your campus and have a discussion with them about the issue at hand. I can tell you as a young lady I grew up with a very negative view of the church because for the majority of its people there is no room for discussion and the possibility that different does not necessarily mean wrong. Please listen to them as they speak about truth and love and know that they mean well and are not coming from a place of hatred but of absolute love for you and your students. Peace be with you, sir, and please know there are many of us that pray for you daily as you educate the future of our American church.
Peace and Truth to you,
Tennessee James

Short, sweet and to the point. I cannot wait to see change in the church.

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Monday, October 13, 2008


Recently, I have found myself wanting to become more. Just more. I do not know what that means right now, but I know there is more. I want to be a part of more. I want to experience and see more.
I want to start taking chances that take me out of my comfort zone. I want to be challenged to not be afraid of anything.
I am ready to take on the world. Just let me do it in a peaceful, nonviolent way. Pray that I do not stop for anyone or anything. Pray that I will jump hurdles and climb over obstacles.
This is the time for action and I am ready to take on this challenge. Now, I am looking for people to take on this adventure with me. Will you be one of those?

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I was told today that if I wanted to I could pass as straight and I would not have this problem of feeling like I am on the outside looking in.
The idea that we have to try and blend in to make others feel comfortable is ridiculous, but the idea that it could in any way make us feel comfortable is absurd. I will no longer hide. I will no longer listen to lies or have people around me who say "Well, I think it is wrong and deserves death, but you are really cool." How can that work? How can you say I deserve to die and go to hell but that we can be friends?
I want to love you through this, but you cannot be in my inner circle of friends and still believe that I am on my way to damnation. This is a hard decision for me considering where I go to school and who my friends are. Because of this I am guaranteed to lose the few friends I still have left.
I will not settle for second rate anymore. I will sell myself short and say that half hearted friendships are acceptable. Civil Unions are no longer good enough. "Don't ask, Don't tell" is over in my life. I am going to tell everyone! Change will only come when we tire of the mundane. When we are done being second class citizens, our friends fall back plans and over all leftovers in life then change will manifest.

Here's to being honest!

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I know it has been a while, but there is good reasoning.
In a few weeks the Soulforce Equality Ride is coming to our area. ( )
I have been talking to the activists and helping out with the event. I will be sure to post pictures so you all can see the amazing things these men and women are doing.

If you haven't yet, please add the Tennessee James myspace to your friends list. We need to see this movement make some ground and for our generation that means internet communications. Let's see change happen and let us be the reason it happens now.

Have a blessed weekend!

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Friday, August 8, 2008


We are gathering. We are making it happen folks. I met with a representative of my church this week and she told me that they are more excited about the change we are proposing than I could have ever hoped for during this time. I met with a leading activist in my area to talk about the dangers we will face and the risks we will be taking.
He asked me about fifteen times if I understood what I was doing. You see, I go to a conservative Christian school and there is a very good chance that I will not make it out of this without getting myself kicked out of school. I have a very big mouth and I am not ashamed of who God has made me. I want to use my understanding of His grace and love as a platform for our new adventure we are about to embark on this year. Wish us luck because with the Equality Ride coming and our new group at church budding we are bound to rock the boat of our enemy. We are determined to shake their foundations and have them question things for once in their lives.
I ask for prayer, love and support of any kind. We are about to change the lives of the people who come to ask questions. We are about to change a campus who dares to love instead of hate, and we are about to change a world who decides to stop just thinking what Jesus said sounded pretty but is actual truth to be lived out and lived by.
Peace be with you all! I hope you are causing change in your areas. Please let me know what you are doing to encourage this movement locally.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


There are days when I wonder if I really believe what it is that I preach. I wonder if I would have the courage that the people had at Stonewall back in 1969, or people in the HRC have today. I wonder if I could ever say anything that men and women haven't already said or heard that would make a difference. Can I really do all that I know I am called to do?
I am re-reading Mel White's autobiography, Stranger at the Gate: to be Gay and Christian in America. I am compelled by his words to this strong call for action and justice. I want to see all this change he is fighting for, but I have to ask, "Am I willing to do what I know has to be done in order to see this justice come to be?"
I am meeting with Dr. White in two days to discuss getting involved. I want to see change and I want to see love do the changing. I guess I will find out in a few days if I have what it takes (through Christ).
Wish me well!
Check out the myspace! Feel free to send me a message and I will try to answer any questions.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I just came back from a meeting with a dear friend of mine. She was so encouraging and it just reminded me of how lucky I am to have people like her in my life.
I remember how I felt when I first started going to school and I did not have any friends who understood what I was doing with this movement, little alone friends who would support what I am trying to do. I do not have many friends, but I am so fortunate to have a few that I know I can count on when so many have turned their backs on me.
I never realized how scary change is for people until I was the one proposing this change in my friends and schoolmates. People are so afraid of what change will mean that they make enemies out of those of us who are suggestng they try love instead of hate, open-mindedness verses negative perceptions.
A time will come my friends when they will ask you to choose just as they have asked me. In the words of Susan B. Anthony, "Abandon all for the cause."
They arent your friends if they want you to put your convictions aside to follow their set in stone ways. Live with love and live for change and I guarantee you will reap the rewards.

Luke 6:20-23 (Christ speaking):
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed [be ye] poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed [are ye] that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed [are ye] that weep now: for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward [is] great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Monday, June 23, 2008


I just want to throw this out there that I am not angry. Do not confuse my passion for anger. I will not lie and say that this situation of inequality does not infuriate me to no end, but I am not an angry person.
I just want to see people finally understand what is is like to walk down the street, into stores and out of churches and be judged like we have to on a daily basis. When are the religious bigots going to realize that we just want to be able to live out what their Holy Bible says in 1 John? ("A man who says he loves God, but hates his brother does not love God and is a liar." "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.")
It is time for change and not for anger. It is a time for love, not hate.
Go out and start the protest with some fire but in sincere, unconditional love.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Thursday, June 19, 2008


this is the first one.
this is the one where i will tell you that i am tired. i am tired and i am even more tired of this. my passion is to bring about change and now i am going to make it happen.
it is time to stop talking about change and start making it happen. it is time.
my name is Tennessee James and i am now saying it is time for change. i dont want the future generations to look back at our generation and say that we did nothing for the progress of equality here in america. we need to stop talking about the stonewall riots of 1969 and start talking about the movements of 2008. what are we doing to provoke change?
i am ready for my people and my generation to stop talking about it, stop blogging about it, stop dreaming about it, and do something about it.
how do you expect them to take us seriously when we dont take ourselves seriously?
it is time for change and it is time for us to start the movement.
let them be able to study us in their history books and say that we accomplished something. let them be able to say that they wished they had been there to see it or be apart of it.
and my side note to VH is that you should have kept your mouth shut, because now you started something and it wont stop with just me. this passion and fire is contagious and now is the time that real change is about to happen. watch out folks because if your not for us, you are against us, and we arent going to stop marching until this inequality has ended.
we will be the gandhis and dr. kings of our generation. we will promote peaceful protest, but please remember that there will be protest. we will no longer live under this tyranny called fairness and equality. how can you call this fair when we are dying out there just because of who we love? how can this love invoke so much hatred out of you? nevermind that now because change is coming and we wont stop until we succeed.
we will win, or we will die fighting.
this is our life, not just for us but for the future.
now is the time for change.

Freely Yours,
Tennessee James