Saturday, November 15, 2008


I am sitting in a hotel lobby waiting to get on a bus to go to Washington, D.C. to protest the passing of Prop. 8.
I love that what started with just one young woman out in Seattle has turned into a movement of over a million people. This is what change can do when we come together to fight injustice.
Today, my friend is going to carry a sign that says "No More Mr. Nice Gay". I think this sums up how most of us feel. We are tired of being treated as second class citizens. It is one thing to deny us our rights in the first place, but to give them to people in California and then take them away is plain unconstitutional.
We will not be played with any more. We will not bend over and keep letting them screw us. Stand tall my friends. All over the country we will be joining together to create change. Watch it happen!
I would love to hear the stories of your march. Please let me know what happens in your cities!

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

Monday, November 10, 2008


Will separate but equal work?
I am so glad Obama was elected last week, but how long will we have to settle for separate, but equal. All the conservatives are running around saying that Obama is for gay marriage, but let me tell you the truth.
According to Obama and Biden, marriage is between a man and a woman. They will let us have civil unions and partnerships, but marriage is reserved for heterosexuals.
Didn't we learn a long time ago that separate but equal DOES NOT WORK?
I want to see true change in America and that just won't happen until we stop settling for second best and remember that we own houses, pay taxes and participate in the democratic process, too.
I am a citizen who will not be shut up. Will you speak up with me?

Yours freely,
Tennessee James