Friday, August 8, 2008


We are gathering. We are making it happen folks. I met with a representative of my church this week and she told me that they are more excited about the change we are proposing than I could have ever hoped for during this time. I met with a leading activist in my area to talk about the dangers we will face and the risks we will be taking.
He asked me about fifteen times if I understood what I was doing. You see, I go to a conservative Christian school and there is a very good chance that I will not make it out of this without getting myself kicked out of school. I have a very big mouth and I am not ashamed of who God has made me. I want to use my understanding of His grace and love as a platform for our new adventure we are about to embark on this year. Wish us luck because with the Equality Ride coming and our new group at church budding we are bound to rock the boat of our enemy. We are determined to shake their foundations and have them question things for once in their lives.
I ask for prayer, love and support of any kind. We are about to change the lives of the people who come to ask questions. We are about to change a campus who dares to love instead of hate, and we are about to change a world who decides to stop just thinking what Jesus said sounded pretty but is actual truth to be lived out and lived by.
Peace be with you all! I hope you are causing change in your areas. Please let me know what you are doing to encourage this movement locally.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


There are days when I wonder if I really believe what it is that I preach. I wonder if I would have the courage that the people had at Stonewall back in 1969, or people in the HRC have today. I wonder if I could ever say anything that men and women haven't already said or heard that would make a difference. Can I really do all that I know I am called to do?
I am re-reading Mel White's autobiography, Stranger at the Gate: to be Gay and Christian in America. I am compelled by his words to this strong call for action and justice. I want to see all this change he is fighting for, but I have to ask, "Am I willing to do what I know has to be done in order to see this justice come to be?"
I am meeting with Dr. White in two days to discuss getting involved. I want to see change and I want to see love do the changing. I guess I will find out in a few days if I have what it takes (through Christ).
Wish me well!
Check out the myspace! Feel free to send me a message and I will try to answer any questions.

Yours Freely,
Tennessee James