Friday, June 12, 2009


It is time. Quiet is no longer an option and violence will not be a part of our plan. Peace must come through peace!

"Peace does not come rolling in on the wheels of inevitablity. We can't just wish for peace. We have to will it, fight for it, suffer for it, demand it from our governments as if peace were God's most cherished hope for all humanity, as indeed it is."
~William Sloane Coffin

I believe we can do this. I know we can.
I have not been on here in a bit because I started to believe for a minute that I did not have anything to offer you. No words of encouragement or motivation because for the last few months I have not had any for myself. It has been about the personal struggles I have been going through.
But only moments ago, I realized that none of that matters. I can no longer be a bystander if I want to see change happen. This is an epiphany I have every few months or so. It helps me stay motivated and focused on our goals. I have let my money problems and struggles with my group of friends get in the way of my vision for why we are here.
Well, I am back and ready to work.
Now is the time.
Are you ready?

Yours freely,
Tennessee James