Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I wonder sometimes why so many of us start off with large dreams but never see them come to fruition. Do we burn out or just give up? How many of us never even try?
I do not know what will become of our efforts. I would like to believe that we really can change the world. I would love to know that we are not the only five people in Virginia who care and that we are not the only ten people who care in the United States.
Sometimes the fight seems like it is just you against the world. Then I turn to my friend and I remember that even if it is just us against everyone else that it is worth it just to say that we never gave up on our dream.
I have so much faith in what we are doing. I know that if we continue on we really can change the world. That is a big dream that I am not willing to give up on so easily.
What is your dream? How are you going to leave your mark on the world? Will you be remembered by the person who needs you the most right now?
Stand up. Know that with out your help we can not make this happen.
We need you to believe in yourself and your dreams. I know I do.

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

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