Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Sometimes when I am talking to people about our work I feel like Billy Mays.
You know the one I am mean. He is the guy who sells oxygen cleaning supplies, orange juicers, and super glue on TV. He is the one who yells his entire sales pitch.
You and I both know that when he comes on the television set nine out of ten people either mute him or make fun of him. I do not want to discredit his work because he is obviously doing something right if all these companies keep hiring him, but what about the majority of us that try to tune him out?
I feel like him because I am trying to find the best sales pitch to convince others about how important our work is. I have tried the soft approach. I have tried the "actions are louder than words" approach. I am not giving up on them. I just need to learn to be braver.
I think bravery is my theme this year. I want to be braver. Whenever I see a place I am limiting myself, I want to change and make that a different story.
I want to be Billy Mays. I have something important to tell people and I am going to stand on the rooftops until I know they understand why we have to finish this work.

Yours freely,
Tennessee James

1 comment:

Neal Hardy said...

Keep up the hard work Ms. Tenn James, I'll be rooting for you from the spot right next to you!

It'll be a bumpy ride but if more people would stand up for who they are then this world would look better.

-Neal Swift/Hardy
-"Mashed University"